October 1, 2024 — Lawrence Sharrett, M.Ed, M.Div., MSc

How Will Growth Groups Help Me to Become a Lifelong Global Citizen?

Will Growth Groups Help Me?

The lifelong global citizen skills of emotional intelligence and social leadership are not usually academic courses in schools or universities. They should be. These skills will greatly influence your future and the future of those around you. Imagine getting a grade for understanding your emotions and the emotions of those around you. How do you think you would do? The great leaders of tomorrow will grow to do this well. These leaders will be the leaders who inspire and empower success for themselves and for others.

What is a Lifelong Global Citizen?

Lifelong means this is something important for all your life.

What things do you think should be on that list? Friendships. Happiness. Having fun. Feeling calm and confident. Being strong. Kindness. Character. Your family. A sports career. Or any career. Mental health. Physical health. Emotional health. Even spiritual health. Your culture. How you do in school. How you do with other things you like. Having a place to belong. Knowing that you are important and that your life matters. Knowing that there are people who care to listen to you. Connection with other people and not just social media, devices, or other technology. Can you think of more?

Global basically means around the world or international.

In other words, someone who thinks about the world, your place in the world, and what is happening in the world, but not so much that you need to be worried and stressed about the hard things in the world.

Citizen means “a personal belonging to a place or culture of people.”

What is a Lifelong Global Citizen?

A Lifelong Global Citizen is a person who is open-minded and respectful to listen and learn from different people from around the world.

A Lifelong Global Citizen is a person who spends the time and energy necessary to grow for important things now and for the future.

A Lifelong Global Citizen is a person who is willing to help encourage, inspire, and serve others.

A Lifelong Global Citizen is a person who discovers meaning and purpose in life through relationships and friendships with others.

What Will a Session Be Like?

Each session is about 50-60 minutes and will be something like this:

5-10 minutes– Connect with each other from the group. Share fun or funny things that have happened. Share hard things that have happened, if you want. Talk about anything to review from the last session.

5-10 minutes– Personal reflections and journaling in a google doc about a question. A few examples could include,

Have you experienced any hard emotions in the past week? How did you handle it? Did you learn anything about yourself?

How are your friendships?

Describe one of your best friendships?

Describe a wounded friendship or relationship?

What is something that you could do to heal your own wounds from that friendship?

5-10 minutes – Discussion about your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.

10-15 minutes– Presentation of lesson for the session. One of the group leaders will do this. This could be a team building game with a video, a book, a slide presentation, or some other form of a mini lesson.

10-15 minutes– Discussion, questions, interaction, or more time for the game as related to the topic for the session.

5-10 minutes – Other questions or concerns to discuss.

5-10 minutes – Consider what you want to do or be to improve yourself based on the information from the session.

This is a guide for how a session could look. You can choose to participate in the ways that feel best for you. You will not be forced to do things that you do not want to do.

Can I Stop If I Don’t Like It?

Yes, of course. However, I would ask that you try it long enough (2-3 sessions) to give yourself a chance to recognize how it may be helping you.

The total time for one session will last about 50-60 minutes. We will meet two times in a month at a time that works for your busy schedule.

The whole program will last for six months. We will have 12 total sessions. If at any point you do not want to continue, we can have a final conversation, and you can stop meeting with your growth group.

Final Quiz to Participate in Growth Groups

Consider how you would answer the questions below.

Would I like to have more healthy friendships?

Would I like to have a better relationship with someone I know?

Would I like to feel more confident and calm through the stress in my life?

Would I like to understand more about my own emotions and how this can help me?

Would I like to be better at sports?

Would I like to have more fun in life?

Would I like to get better grades?

Would I like to understand how my brain is developing and working as I go through these years of my life?

Would I like to have a safe place to talk about things that are hard for me or that scare me?

Would I like to know how to feel better about myself?

Would I like to learn how to ________________ ? (You fill in the blank here)

If your answer is “yes” for any of these questions, Growth Groups WILL help you grow! And you will have fun doing it!

For more information or to schedule a consultation, email me at: sharrettcounseling@gmail.com